  • Halcyon Shield Drop Necklace - Silver

Halcyon Shield Drop Necklace - Silver

The Halcyon Equilibrium ring features Black Onyx and White Topaz. While Black Onyx encourages grounding, protection and self-control, White Topaz concentrates the wearer on love and promotes equilibrium.

Shield drop necklace featuring a shield symbol of Mother of Pearl and White Topaz. Mother of Pearl protects the wearer from harmful energy, while White Topaz helps the wearer focus on love and offers clarity for the future. Pearls symbolise wisdom and are valued for their calming effects, helping manifest peace and strength.

Inspiring discerning wearers to manifest their own halcyon times of calm, peace and prosperity, MURKANI’s latest capsule collection combines artful symbolism and timeless quality to reimagine the everyday talisman for modern women.
